Friday, September 18, 2015

Once Lost...was Found...

Luke 15:32 speaks about the prodigal son, who was once lost, but then was found.

I was visiting my publisher last week at his Starbucks office location, when I absentmindedly left my phone outside on the couch where we were sitting. After performing due diligence looking for it, I paused to reflect on my predicament after a moment of meditation praying about it, a kind of look into the future came to me.

I was advised by God, by my Spirit Guide, by my Guardian Angel to have the phone disconnected, but to be patient and wait a few days...that it would be returned to me. I humbly followed the instructions I'd been given and waited for God's Grace to unfold in this mundane matter that perhaps really didn't need divine intervention.

Hoping for a call from the person who might have found my phone, I was picking up every call that came to our home, but after 10 PM I'd developed a habit of never answering the phone because of some issues we'd had in the past. On the night the came in, when the phone rang I turned to my husband and declared, "Go ahead and pick's about my lost phone!"

Sure enough, it was! My Lost phone had been Found by a Good Samaritan, a sweet guy, a good person. I offered to pay him, he offered to drive from Kenosha right over to my home to return it, but we settled on him meeting my husband and I in Kenosha the next day at a fair we were planning to attend.

We'd set up a stand from which we would be selling the homemade fudge that I make. After everything was ready, the fair opened and a crush of well over 100 people began making their way toward our location. One person stood out in my inspired eyes for no particular reason. I got my husband's attention, pointed him out, and again confidently declared, "That's him, that man in the center. Sure enough, as the crowd thinned this one man continued walking right up to our booth. He had my phone and wouldn't take any reward, so we gave him some fudge instead! See, there are still so many wonderful people in the world!

This kind of glimpse into the future isn't a first for me. I've come to learn that it may be a gift passed down from my grandmother, but about being touched by God's Grace, I do know that God's Grace is available to anyone under any circumstances and is given to help us grow our relationship to God. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Many Crosses to Bear . . .

If you've been following my blog you know that a couple of weeks ago God gave me the words for a blog post. I later learned they were also given to a number of others, but Phillip Nation, was one who also posted a very similar essay on a web site. When i questioned God about this I was told that it is common for God to do this sort of thing in order to get the Message out there. Then I saw this CBS Sunday Morning video about the Three Crosses Ministry.

A man named Bernard Coffindaffer received a commission from God after surviving open heart surgery to put up crosses. He used his own money, three million dollars, spent his last dime, put up his last cross, then died, but that wasn't the end of the story or of his ministry!

Sometime after Bernard passed, a Mississippi mom, Sara Abraham, had clipped a newspaper article about Bernard's crosses ministry out of the paper and slipped it into her Bible. During a devotional the article fell out of the Bible and onto her table and when she reached down to pick it up the Lord inspired her to continue Bernard's ministry, which she did.

Hearing this story bolstered my faith that God indeed works through many people simultaneously all around the world!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Getting the "Message" Out

Apparently, God is the original "Social Media Guru" . . . and was engaged in connecting believers with a spiritual network long before Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook made today's modern Internet scene.

Why have I come to this conclusion, just the other day, and it's happened before, I was overwhelmed with the impulse to write down some specific words I was being give from God. I learned a day later that pretty much those same words were given to at least one other person, Philip Nation, who also wrote them down and posted them online.

I had to know what was going on so I prayed to ask if indeed He sends the same messages to more than one person. The clear answer I got back was, "Absolutely!" And, I was told God sends important messages to thousands of people simultaneously. To souls in different cities, from different countries, practicing different religions, speaking different languages, all to make sure His teachings for our generation get out.

In the "old" days, it was one person speaking to another, but God isn't above making use of our modern technology and social media platforms to greatly amplify His audience. God is picking believers for this task knowing they have the passion and courage to speak to others, to show their Christianity in today's secular world. Knowing some will listen and some won't, the more people who hear the message the better. When Jesus walked the earth there were only a few million human beings. Today there are billions and yet one person with a Facebook account or a Twitter feed or a popular blog can reach millions!

God went on to say how distress He is about the Christians being killed for being believers and He knows it makes people frightened to show their faith in some countries. God wants to saturate the world with His messages of hope in order to be victorious in the global battle for faith, so that Christianity can prevail, so that Good can overwhelm Evil.

I was upset at first when I learned that what I'd written had already been posted online. God's answer gave me comfort and helped me understand my small role in achieving God's Greater Purpose. I was told that it shouldn't matter who gets credit for the words as long as the message gets out to the world. That made sense to me. Hopefully, more Christians will join the fight, the battle, the war to win the world over for our wonderful Great God!

Earning God's Confidence

After the miracle of being given the words for the Eight Keys to Spiritual Growth post, I kept mulling over the significance of what happened.  Of course I felt honored that God had the confidence in me to pass on important messages of hope that are being given not only to me, but to many other believers.God knows the deepest desire of my heart is to help people and I love to see the smiles on their faces when that help arrives in the form of a Words from God meant just for them.

I have a little prayer I say everyday that goes like this, "Lord I will praise and honor you all the days of my life and in Jesus' name I pray, amen." I say this prayer several times a day. Why, I'm very thankful for so many blessings, in my life and the lives of my family members, from the smallest Godwinks (read my book) to the ultimate super miracles that have been overwhelming at times.

God has blessed me and in doing so has taught me so much about myself. Having come out of my difficult childhood brainwashed with the opposite message, just knowing that I am an intelligent human being with the capacity to amount to something, means the world to me. My book and my blog are constant reminders that using my gifts and skills I am capable of making a meaningful contribution to the greater good. But my gratitude doesn't just extend only to the good things in my life.

I also thank God for the trials and tribulations I have each day. I now realize that when you have problems, and everything seems to go wrong or not the way you'd expected, it's not God trying to punish you, rather you're being pushed forward, new doors are opening to give you new opportunities. The question is, are you willing to face such a challenge and walk through a portal for change when offered as a gift from your God?

Most people are afraid of change, but God wants you to grow and so there's always a good lesson that comes out of turmoil and in time usually abundant blessings will follow. Many make the mistake of blaming God for the things that go wrong when in reality they should thank God for teaching them to be patient and wait for the rewards that will be coming. 

I also feel very honored to be able to follow in my Grandma Carmella's footsteps. She had a gift to be able to pray for the answers to people's problems. I believe she planted the spiritual seed in me to carry on the Generational Blessing that was given to her. I plan on following every instruction the Lord gives me along with being thankful for both the good times and the challenges that come my way.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Eight Keys to Spiritual Growth

An assignment given by a teacher without a means of measuring success normally ends in frustration on the part of the student. As members of the Body of Christ, the church, our assignment is to make disciples. But can you really measure growth in discipleship?

A strong case can be made not to even bother to try and measure transformation in a person's life. Nevertheless, there are biblical injunctions that halt our progress into sin and prescriptions that lead us toward spiritual maturity. Researchers did not set out to randomly create objective measurements against which a person's faith life would be judged as newborn, still growing, or mature, yet attributes were uncovered indicating spiritual growth.

Here are eight factors at work in the lives of believers who are progressing in spiritual maturity. They are referred to as the attributes of discipleship. They are not necessarily new, but they stand out as key ideas in the lives of many different types of Christian believers.

1. Bible Engagement

It should go without saying believers will be engaged in studying the scripture. However, leadership must often begin by restating the obvious. Transformation can be recognized in people when their minds are sharpened by the Bible, their perspectives are shaped by the Bible and their actions are directed by the Bible.

2. Obeying God & Denying Self

Discipleship is the progress of obedience to the One who is in authority over you. Many people progressing in their faith prioritize God's desires over self. Transformation can be seen in them because they progressively set aside earthly delights for Kingdom priorities.

3. Serving God & Others

Just as Jesus said He had come to serve and not to be served, so must believers. The choice to serve others is just that--a choice. It highlights a maturity of soul. Transformation is evident when personal needs, and even life goals, are set aside for the needs we see in others.

4. Sharing Christ

Inherent in being a disciple of Christ is making other disciples. Even as we live out the benefits of the Gospel, mature believers know that sharing the Good News with others is a necessity. Transformation is evident when we talk about the source of our faith.

5. Exercising Faith

Can you measure a person's faith? Probably not. But you can see it when it is put into action. Believers noted they knew the importance of living by faith as opposed to living by personal strength. Transformation is seen in believers when risk aversion is set aside and lives are characterized by faithful obedience to God's will.

6. Seeking God

People become disciples of Christ because they intend to follow Him. A continuous hunger should arise from this life of faith. It is referred to in scripture as our "first love," and believers are commanded to return to it. Transformation is seen when our desire is to know God more deeply and experience His work more fully.

7. Building Relationships

Our faith is personal, but it is not intended to be private. Jesus established the church for our collective good and our collective growth. After all, humans are naturally relational. Spiritually, we are no different. As believers, our horizontal relationships with others should develop just as our vertical relationship with God does. Transformation is occurring when relational maturity is evident in our lives.

8. Unashamed

Believers felt it appropriate and even necessary for others to know them as Christians and be held accountable for a life exemplary of that name. Transformation is evident when a believer is unashamed in presenting his own life as being aligned with Christ. The saying is "if you aim at nothing, you will hide it every time." At the very heart of Christianity is the work of making disciples of Christ. It should never sit at the fringe of our lives or the church. Through work like that of Transformational Discipleship we are able to better recognize when we are effectively reaching that goal.

Note: This essay was originally written by Philip Nation, and posted by Rich Walkowski (see link below). For those of you who've read my book, there is a section where some inspirational words came to me and I wrote them down, only to learn later that they were lyrics to a song I'd never heard. The same kind of thing happened here. After praying the words to the essay above just came to me, all at once, and I wrote them down as fast as I could so I wouldn't forget them. Since God gave them to me I knew I should share them, so I wrote the "Eight Keys to Spiritual Growth" blog post. Shortly after posting it my editor came upon another very similar essay written by Philip Nation. I can only assume that God wanted these words shared from more than one source. This represents one kind of daily "miracle" described in my book, miracles we can all share if we grow closer to God.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dear Anna . . .


Does anyone out there remember the popular self-help columnist, Abigail Van Buren, or more popularly known as Dear Abby? Launched in 1956 by Pauline Phillips, she wrote the column which was syndicated until 2000 when her daughter, Jeanne Phillips, carried on? As most of us realize, self-help books and columns can only do so much to solve people's problems. Most of the hard work has to come from the people themselves, but it never hurts to tell your story to someone who not only listens, but cares enough to offer some targeted advice. 

That tradition began in my family with my grandmother, who was the "Dear Abby" of her neighborhood community in Italy. Here's an excerpt from the upcoming Third Edition of my book:

I suspect my guardian angel currently is my grandmother on my father’s side. She taught me how to find and grow my faith. A devout Catholic, she attended church regularly, prayed the rosary often, and for special needs would enter a nine-day period of prayer. These technical aspects of her faith, however, only reflect the surface waters of her deep, abiding beliefs.
Every believer is given certain gifts that can be used in God’s service. My grandmother’s became known in her community in Italy, when as a little girl people came to her home to ask for her help. Her method was to pray a novena to a certain saint and in her dreams the answer to the question or the solution to the problem would come to her.
When word of her gift got out, her parents were frightened that she would be arrested or worse, and arranged for her to come to America where she set up housekeeping with my grandfather, also from Italy, but who earned his citizenship as a soldier in WWI. Once here she continued to share her clairvoyant gifts with others, but on a more informal basis.
Many of my fondest childhood memories involve my Gramma Carmella. I could always feel God’s Holy Spirit in and around her whenever we could be together. Our relationship grew close to the point where she was the most important person in my life.

That Gift was passed down to her daughter, my Aunt, and seems to have been also passed down to me. When I found myself talking to people about their problems, I began to sense that the Holy Spirit was giving me just the right words to say to them, words they needed to hear at that exact moment. I know the words aren't from me because half the time they don't make that much sense to me, but from the look of revelation on the face of the person I'm sharing them with, I know they were from God.

If you have a problem or a question you'd like to share as an anonymous comment on my "Dear Anna" blog page, I'll pray about it and do my best to pass on to you any insight I might be given to share with you and post it as a reply to your comment.

Gifts were given to be shared . . . I'll share mine with you . . . you share yours with others!


Monday, March 9, 2015

God's Household . . .

1 Timothy 3:14-16

Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, if i am delayed you will know how people are to conduct themselves in God's house household, which is the church of the living God,the pillar and foundation of the truth. Beyond all questions, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the spirit, was seen by angels,was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world was taken up in glory.

The church is important to God and Jesus is the chief corner stone. (Ephesians 2:19-21) Jesus is the head of the Body of Christ, and the Body of Christ in the church. People have seen church grow and flourish in many different ways since Christ has returned to Heaven, and that process continues today. The church is the Bride of Christ, If you believe in Christ, you are part of the church; that is, His Body. Build one another up in Christ Jesus that we may together, and by His leading and power, be the church God wants us to be.

Psalms 100:4-5 

4- Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise!
Give thanks to Him, Bless His name!
5- For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures 
forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

All are Children of God

Galatians 3:26-29

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

If you are a son or daughter of God, God’s family is your family. Belonging to Christ means that we are Abraham’s seed. This is a magnificent “grafting-in” to the original covenant made to Abram by God concerning his descendants. The one who promises and who saves us is the same God who promised Abram and delivered Isaac from harm on the altar. The God of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New. Same love, same God, same way through Christ.

When God Gives You the Words

I was watching a documentary about child artist prodigy, Akiane Kramarik, someone whom God has clearly touched with extraordinary gifts. Akiiane was asked how she knows what to paint. Her answer resonated with me . . . God speaks to her, not always in words or an audible voice, but God talks to her, communicates with her.

This portrait of Jesus was painted by Akiane and was the face I remembered from a visitation I had with Jesus as documented in my book.

Akiane's inspiration for her paintings made me realize that the same thing happens when I'm preparing to write something that is devotional in nature. God just gives me the right words, I put them down and often during a place where time seems to be suspended, I just keep writing and writing and writing until the words from God stop coming.

Sometimes I understand right away what God is trying to say, but other times I don't and in trust just keep writing them down knowing that God wants these sacred words shared with others. It's wonderful for me to learn about others, like Akiane, who share the kind of close relationship I have, and one which you also can have, with our beloved God. 

One of Akiane's Paintings of Heaven

You are Safe, as long as you Focus on Me.

My face is shining above you, beaming out peace that rise above understanding. You are surrounded by a sea of problems, but you are face to face with Me, your peace. You are safe, as long as you focus on Me.

If you gaze to long at the great number of problems around you, you will sink under the weight of your burdens. When you start to sink, simply call out, "Help me, Jesus!" and I will lift you up.

The closer you live to Me, the safer you are. Circumstances around you are moving , and there are treacherous looking waves in the distance Fix your eyes on Me, the one who never changes.By the time those waves reach you, they will have shrunk to proportions of My design waves.  I am always beside you, helping you face today's waves. The future is a phantom, seeking to spook you.  Laugh at the future. 

Stay close to Me.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  -  Philippians 4:7

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord save me!" -  Matthew 14:29

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  -  Hebrews 12:2

How about you? Please feel free to join my blog because I would love to hear all about how you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus throughout your day? 


If any of you lack wisdom,  he should ask God,
who gives generously to all without finding fault,
and it will be given to him.

 James 1:5      

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Decide to be a Disciple

You can decide to be a disciple of Jesus:

Your Heavenly Father's goal is for you to mature and develop the characteristics of Jesus Christ.

Sadly, millions of Christians grow older but never grow up spiritually.

They are stuck in perpetual spiritual infancy, remaining in diapers and booties. The reason is that they never had the intention to grow.

Spiritual growth is not automatic. It takes an intentional commitment. You must want to grow, decide to grow, make an effort to grow, and persist in growing. Discipleship- the process of becoming like Christ-always begins with a decision.

Jesus calls us, and we respond:

"'Come, be my disciple,' Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him." (Matthew 9:9)

When the first disciples chose to follow Jesus, they didn't understand all the implications of their decisions. They simply responded to Jesus' invitation. That's all you need to get started:
Decide to become a disciple.

Nothing shapes your life more than the commitments you choose to make. Your commitments can develop you or they can destroy you, but either way, they will define you.

It is at this point of commitment that most people miss God's purpose for their lives. Many are afraid to commit to anything and just drift through life. Others make halfhearted commitments to competing values, which leads to frustration and mediocrity. Others make a full commitment two worldly goals, such as becoming wealthy or famous, and end up disappointed and bitter. Every choice has eternal consequences, so you had better choose wisely.

Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living!  (2 Peter 3:11)

Being Christlike is the result of making Christlike choices and depending on his spirit to help you fulfill those choices. Once you decide to get serious about becoming like Christ, you must begin to act in new ways. You will need to let go of some old routines, develop some new habits, and intentionally change the way you think. You can be certain that the Holy Spirit will help you with these changes. The Bible says,

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose. (Philippians 2:12-13)

This verse shows the two parts of spiritual growth "workout" and "work in" is God's role Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit works with us, not just in us.

This verse, written to believers, is not about how to be saved, but how to grow. It does not say "work for" your salvation, because you can't add anything to what Jesus already did. During a physical workout you exercise to develop your body, not to get a body. When you workout a puzzle, you already have all the pieces- your task is to put them all together. Farmers work the land, not to get land, but to develop what they already have. God has given you a new life, now you are responsible to develop it "with fear and trembling" and that means to take your spiritual growth seriously! 

Christianity is not religion or philosophy, but a relationship and a life style.

The core I love that lifestyle is thinking of others, as Jesus did, instead of ourselves. The Bible says,

Thinking of others is the heart of being Christlike and the best evidence of spiritual growth. This kind of thinking is unnatural, counter-cultural, rare and difficult. Fortunately we have help:

God has given us His Spirit. That's why we don't think the same way the people of this world think. (1 Corinthians 2:12)

What about you, have you decided to be a disciple yet?

Have you decided to be a disciple of Jesus? Have you decided to grow? Are you making an effort to grow, or persisting in your growth? Are you beginning to act differently?  

Please feel free to join my devotional blog. I would love to hear your story about how you are growing in your faith.

How Well Do We Know Our Father?

Our Heavenly Father knows us personally and loves us just as we are and more than anyone possibly can. He wants us to know Him and love Him with all of our hearts. The more we know our Father God, the more we can love Him! Following are some amazing attributes of God that remind us of all that He is and how we can approach Him with faith and confidence:

  1. Because God is spirit...I will seek intimate fellowship with Him.
  2. Because God is all-powerful...He can help me with anything.
  3. Because God is ever- present...He is always with me.
  4. Because God knows everything...I will go to Him with all my questions and concerns.
  5. Because God is sovereign...I will joyfully submit to His will.
  6. Because God is holy...I will devote myself to Him in purity, worship and service.
  7. Because God is absolute truth...I will believe what He says and live accordingly.
  8. Because God is righteous...I will live by His standards.
  9. Because God is just...He will treat me fairly.
  10. Because god is love...He is unconditionally committed to my well-being.
  11. Because God is merciful...He forgives me of my sins when I sincerely confess them.
  12. Because God is faithful...I will trust Him to always keep His promises.
  13. Because God never future is secure and eternal.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"And He Made the Blind See . . ."

WHILE WORKING ON MY BOOK, because of a stroke I’d recovered from, I’ve recently adapted to a limited memory by setting a notebook open and ready on my kitchen table, pen poised to be picked up.
I can’t be sure how the scribes of old were inspired to write down the words that were later compiled into the Bible we cherish today, but since I’ve dedicated myself to this literary project to promote the faith, my mind is like a fax machine that’s always on and receiving memories and other new material that feels important enough to share.
Rather than losing a thought that pops into my head, now I can jot it down. Once I can recall the gist of the idea, I fire up my trusty Samsung with voice transcription, dictate the story, and send it off to my editor as a text email.
In the 2014 film, The Theory of Everything, Stephen Hawking slowly succumbed to ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, loosing muscle coordination and eventually his ability to speak. I fully expected to lose my ability to see which is why I was learning to use my Samsung to communicate.
During a recent seven-year period my eyes kept getting worse and worse as a result of a rare and incurable disease. I went to doctor after doctor and no one could offer me any hope that over time my sight would improve.
This really didn’t surprise me because all my life I’ve had trouble seeing. When they saw me squinting in school I was tested and needed glasses. Of course, I never told my mother because she couldn’t have cared less, so I just sat in the front of the classroom to see the chalk board better. My eyes finally got some much-needed attention when I married.
My backup guardian angel, my husband, saw to it that I got glasses right away. My sight was much better for years until 2005 when I began feeling a gritty, sandy substance painfully irritating my eyes. After a few weeks of constant pain, I sucked it up and headed to en eye doctor.
Besides the obvious dry-eye syndrome, I had two infections. Eye drops didn’t help, so two weeks later I was back in his office. Next, he had me try a series of antibiotics, and still no results. In a bold and somewhat desperate move, he filled my eyes with an antibiotic and sewed my lids shut so the medication would take—first one, then the other. I hated needles, so this was a real pain.

Image result for eyesight diagram
After going through all that, the infection did not clear up. Next, it was on to a specialist when things finally got so bad you’d have thought I had Ebola or something, with blood oozing out of my eyes. He saw my condition as dire and indicated I should have my eyeball removed from my eye socket in order to stop the infection from spreading.
Instead of taking that drastic step, they tested the infection again and decided on a special antibiotic that they would dispense at the clinic over a two-week period. There was some improvement, but after visiting five specialists over the course of two years and trying their remedies, the infection persisted.
Finally, a Chicago specialist isolated the rare bacterium and was able to identify the disease. My prognosis was not good—no cure and permanent eyesight loss. When I asked him how I could have picked up such a nasty bacteria, he said that the eye infection was rare, but the bacteria I could have picked up off of a doorknob.
More antibiotics, no effect, my eyesight was getting worse and worse and now I’m worried that I’m going blind. By May of 2006 my left eye was sightless. Now, I couldn’t drive which made things even worse. A frantic search was on for a cure before my other eye went blind. More drugs, more procedures, still no cure. Then, it happened.
A year to the day after my left eye went blind, I woke up, walked into the kitchen, and I could see the gray shadow of my husband’s outline through my left eye!
“I can see you!” I yelled, excited beyond measure.
“What, honey . . . you know that’s impossible!”
We were told by the foremost expert in the field that once lost, blindness was permanent. To be sure I wasn’t imagining things, he waved his arms, and I could see the movement! As the day went on my sight got better and better until it was completely back to normal.
I’d been the beneficiary of many impossible miracles during my life, so I recognized this as a Miracle of the Divine Kind, got on my knees, and thanked God for the mercy of a healing against all medical odds.
Calling the doctor the next day, he insisted what I described was impossible and that my good eye was compensating, making it seem like my blind eye was seeing. He asked me to come in so he could run some tests. When they showed my blind eye could indeed see, he said he’d never heard of that kind of spontaneous regeneration before. Even he declared that it had to be some kind of miracle and made sure I realized just how fortunate I was.
Though my sight had returned, the eye infections were still there so several more years of trial-and-error medications. By 2011 a cutting-edge procedure was tried.
It was a tailor-made cocktail based on a blood sample from me that was sent to California, mixed up, and returned to the Midwest. Finally, by 2012, exactly seven years after my ordeal started, the infection began to fade, then, went away completely!
I have to wear glasses, my eyes are hypersensitive to laser light, but I can drive again and I CAN SEE!!
At the beginning of my ordeal, though my eyesight was failing, the Lord picked me to become a Hopelifter, turning my apparent weakness into the Holy Spirit’s strength.