Does anyone out there remember the popular self-help columnist, Abigail Van Buren, or more popularly known as Dear Abby? Launched in 1956 by Pauline Phillips, she wrote the column which was syndicated until 2000 when her daughter, Jeanne Phillips, carried on? As most of us realize, self-help books and columns can only do so much to solve people's problems. Most of the hard work has to come from the people themselves, but it never hurts to tell your story to someone who not only listens, but cares enough to offer some targeted advice.
That tradition began in my family with my grandmother, who was the "Dear Abby" of her neighborhood community in Italy. Here's an excerpt from the upcoming Third Edition of my book:
I suspect
my guardian angel currently is my grandmother on my father’s side. She taught
me how to find and grow my faith. A devout Catholic, she attended church
regularly, prayed the rosary often, and for special needs would enter a nine-day
period of prayer. These technical aspects of her faith, however, only reflect the
surface waters of her deep, abiding beliefs.
believer is given certain gifts that can be used in God’s service. My
grandmother’s became known in her community in Italy, when as a little girl
people came to her home to ask for her help. Her method was to pray a novena to
a certain saint and in her dreams the answer to the question or the solution to
the problem would come to her.
word of her gift got out, her parents were frightened that she would be
arrested or worse, and arranged for her to come to America where she set up
housekeeping with my grandfather, also from Italy, but who earned his
citizenship as a soldier in WWI. Once here she continued to share her clairvoyant
gifts with others, but on a more informal basis.
of my fondest childhood memories involve my Gramma Carmella. I could always feel
God’s Holy Spirit in and around her whenever we could be together. Our relationship
grew close to the point where she was the most important person in my life.
That Gift was passed down to her daughter, my Aunt, and seems to have been also passed down to me. When I found myself talking to people about their problems, I began to sense that the Holy Spirit was giving me just the right words to say to them, words they needed to hear at that exact moment. I know the words aren't from me because half the time they don't make that much sense to me, but from the look of revelation on the face of the person I'm sharing them with, I know they were from God.
If you have a problem or a question you'd like to share as an anonymous comment on this post, I'll pray about it and do my best to pass on to you any insight I might be given to share with you and post it as a reply to your comment.
Gifts were given to be shared . . . I'll share mine with you . . . you share yours with others!
Hi Anna, Could you pray for my daughter in California. She is a musician Julie Pusch. Since she has played violin she has had a itchy skin. She scratches it constantly and it has left scabs on her arms that are very unsightly. She has played violin since she was 3 1/2. At first she thought it might be the rosin from her bow. She has tried everything to get rid of it but nothing has worked. Tried some herbal creams, cleansing diets, went to skin specialist. All her fellow musicians in LA have tried to help but no answers. She does have a cat but this was a problem before she had the cat. If you could ask Jesus to help her it would be greatly appreciated by Mary and I. We pray every day for her to find some help and we know Jesus answers all our prayers it just not always the the answer we expect. Thank You Jerry Pusch
Hi J erry I sure will pray for your daughter Julie. and pray for a cure for her itching. It is very funny that you had mentioned about her itching and having scabs because I had the exact same symptoms as she has for several years and I went to every special for us every dermatologist every doctor we could think of and they had no solution so I suffered for years with it. And let me tell you it is so much itching it drives you crazy. you feel very embarrassed and don't like to see anybody looking at you well you look like that so I know exactly how she feels. my doctor said finally that he would go by what I had asked for. 6 months after I started taking a medication for ADHD I started to Get those exact symptoms s your daughter now has and I had asked my doctor for over a year to try to take me off that medication and try a new medication. After he told me that stress can cause itching and scabbing I reassured him that I was sure it was the medication so finally after a year or year and a half later he decided to switch my ADHD medication and within 6 months all the itching and scabs went away. what a miracle it was for me and I wish the same for your daughter Julie. they say stress can cause stuff like that too is she by any chance under a lot of stress? or is she on any type of medications? If so please have her check out those medications to see the side effects to them and maybe she might give an answer. In the meantime I will pray for a cure for Julie and I pray for you and Mary to be have peace of Mind okay? you know you will always be in our prayers. Thank you for your comment and I will get back to you after I pray and ask Jesus what the answer may be for her problem and I will pass these words on to you so you can pass them on to Julie. In the meantime have the most glorious day.