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The really big questions in life, why are we here, who made us, what happens after we die, are so difficult to answer definitively. The latest in a series of books, bestseller, Heaven is for Real, also produced into a recent film, suggests that heaven actually exists according to the believable testimony of a boy who died, went there, and was allowed to remember enough convincing detail to make many also believe that yes, heaven is for real! As for, why are we here, according to Judeo-Christian religious thinking we seem to be trapped between heaven and hell, our goal to make sure we end up in heaven when we die. Of course, it’s not likely to be that simple.

In the film, Constantine, a psychic cursed with the gift of being able to see demons, has the responsibility to deport any half-breed demons back to hell should they cross over onto our human plane. According to the film’s main character, John Constantine, sure there’s a Devil, but people are quite capable on their own of committing horrendous evil. In the eternal battle for our souls, the half-breeds, the guardian angels and demons, can only nudge, whisper, and influence without actually forcing us to do anything against our will.
A child who suffers ongoing abuse, neglect, and even torture at the hands of a sick psycho parent knows something about the evil the human soul is capable of. The Germans have a saying, What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.
The counterintuitive aspect of hardship is that it can provide an intense drive leading to success. Look at the personal profiles of some of the world’s more noteworthy individuals and you just might find a history of hardship. For example, most people know that Oprah Winfrey had a difficult childhood who grew up dirt poor in the South.
Keep this in mind as Anna Rosario’s story unfolds.     
As far as who made us, most have no problem with a concept of a Creator, a God who is responsible for everything in existence. Has anyone credible actually met God? Is there proof of God’s existence?
Many will point to the wonder, complexity and order in creation and claim that a Higher Power, an intelligent Being, has to exist because of the evidence of design all around us. Although most understand the meaning of the word miracle few have actually experienced the kind of miracle that could only be explained by divine intervention.
Such a miracle would be Proof of Life that God exists.
Sure, people can pray and a sick person can get well, but was God involved? What about all the sick people who are prayed for and die? I won’t try to explain why a loving God would allow so much suffering, hardship, poverty, natural disaster, disease, and death to exist in our world, except to say that if divine miracles do happen they are not about fundamentally changing the world we live in. They must be given as gifts and as evidence that God, more generally that life on a higher spiritual plane, does exist.
Anna Rosario has been directly involved in a number of miracles of the Divine Kind and she’ll share some of her chilling stories with you in her book, Miracles, God’s Proof of Life. Anna knows that the Holy Spirit has been a close companion every since she was a little girl, keeping her heart open and full of love even though there was precious little love to be found in her dysfunctional world.
And, as far as that question, why are we here, Anna will explain how her greater Purpose in life began to unfold when she was only seven years old. 


WHO HASN’T SEEN the heartwarming classic holiday film, Miracle on 34th Street? Kris Kringle filling in for an inebriated Santa Claus in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Kris putting the spirit of Christmas back in the season with his customer-centered sales practices, Kris being put on trial to determine if he was sane for believing he was Santa Claus, the postal worker being inspired to send the Santa Clause letters to the court house, and finally Susan finding her dream home and Kris’s cane make the film one for the ages.
Fiction, of course, but like any good parable there’s so much profound spiritual depth to reflect upon and apply.
Kris, the selfless idealist, being put on trial for his life has to remind us all of Jesus being convicted for being a threat to the Roman establishment, or more to the point, by claiming to be God’s Son, to the Jewish rabbis and their control over Jewish traditions.
What about the postal worker who just happened to send the letters to the court house. If something like that happened in real life, would it be a mere coincidence or something more—a miracle even.
In a 2014 CBS Sunday Morning feature story, various psychologists and mathematicians insisted that given enough data points, simple coincidences only seem to be rare events. On the other side of the issue, writer Squire Rushnell calls coincidences with profound implications, Godwinks.
In his book, When God Winks, Rushnell makes the case that such meaningful coincidences, like the postal worker sending on the letters, are actually guided by divine intervention. I was working as a UPS employee delivering packages when a Godwink on a much higher order made a profound difference in my life.

I REPORTED FOR MY usual 3rd shift starting time loading and unloading packages from the UPS trucks. It was grueling work, we were all under a lot of pressure to move the packages quickly, and many were heavy, often taxing the limits of my strength, but I never complained, took the pain, and soldiered on.
USP shares the US Postal Service motto of not letting weather conditions interfere with deliveries, but on this particular Midwestern winter night in 1994, a major blizzard was headed for our area and with the airport soon to close, followed by the roads and freeways, we were all sent home before our shift ended.
There was a stretch of around 20 miles between the UPS center where I worked and home. Much of the road was two-lane with narrow shoulders and dangerous drop-offs. By 2 A.M. I was about half way home when the developing white-out conditions made it nearly impossible to continue. At the same time there was nowhere I could see to pull off the road.
I couldn’t see the outline of the pavement except for the tire tracks of the cars that had gone before me. Fighting the flying, drifting snow I realized I was going too fast for conditions, tapped my brakes, but that sent my car sliding sideways across the flow of traffic. Looking to my right I saw that a huge truck was coming right at me!
I was on the phone with my husband, something I’d do while driving home just to feel safer. On this dangerous driving night, though, I knew I might need him to call for help if something happened to me.
Sliding sideways and braking to avoid going over a drop-off, left me stranded in the middle of the road. The truck had no time to react and nowhere to go except to slam right into me.
“I’m going to be hit . . . I’m going to get hit!” I screamed in panic to my husband over the phone. My eyes were locked onto the massive vehicle heading right toward me, my hands firmly on the steering wheel in a futile attempt to brace for the deadly impact.
I closed my eyes at what I expected would be my last moment on earth, but when nothing happened I opened them to see the truck transformed into a miraculous white shadow that was passing harmlessly right through me and my car. While going through my car, I could actually see the ghostly figure of the truck right inside with me. As if that weren’t amazing enough, looking left, now behind me, the truck had rematerialized and was proceeding down the road as if nothing had happened—as if I hadn’t actually been there!
Scared to death and shook up to the point of nearly slipping into shock, I couldn’t really process what had just happened—because it shouldn’t have happened—I should have been dead.
A few moments later, no longer frozen by fear, I quickly backed up, got back on my lane, and continued on home. Still shaking like a leaf in a thunderstorm, I told my husband what had just happened.

THIS WAS A MIRACLE of the Divine Kind—as in there was no other explanation for why I wasn’t killed. Why did it happen to me? Why was I spared when so many others die every year in similar traffic accidents? The only thought that made any sense to me was that it simply wasn’t my time to go yet.
Reading this account, why should you believe me? I’m not famous, there was no account of this event in my local newspaper, and you, the reader, certainly weren’t there to see what happened.
Most Christians believe that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, and yet no one living today was alive then to see it, but we believe the Bible account and we believe Jesus had the power to perform miracles of the Divine Kind just like that. Here’s an account of a similar miracle as described by Wayne Peterson.
Mr. Peterson is the author of, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings. By way of his credibility as a witness to this event, Mr. Peterson, among other professional accomplishments, was an American diplomat assigned to Argentina. Wayne was also a deeply spiritual man.
Following what he believed was a leading from God, Wayne packed up his home in Washington D.C. and headed for where he felt he needed to be, Las Vegas. Driving, he took the southern route hoping for better weather as it was the middle of January.
He had a friend with him who became a witness to what was to happen during the trip. All was going well until they hit Tennessee when an ice storm began to affect the area he was driving in. On an Interstate highway traveling at 50 mph, a fog bank suddenly surrounded his car while they were on a steep hill, so he attempted to slow down.
For some moments, he couldn’t see a thing. When the fog finally lifted enough to see, ahead of him was a gnarled mess of multiple vehicles that had been involved in a chain-reaction series of serious collisions. They were all caught on the same glare ice, sliding down the long hill in a heap, many sideways or spun around, and no one able to steer to safety. At the moment of seeing what was coming, Wayne’s car also began to slide.
Hitting the brake pedal, he spun out and looking behind saw a semi gaining speed and heading right for him. Braking and turning the wheel did nothing. It was a life-flashing-before-your-eyes moment of complete helplessness. All of a sudden, his car began to move, but not because of anything Wayne was doing.
Straightened out now, but still heading for the tangled mess of 40-50 vehicles, a path began to slowly open up so that his car could continue forward and through the collision zone. Like the parting of the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelis, they passed through the danger, often with what appeared to be not more than an inch of clearance on either side. Upon reflection, what actually happened was even more miraculous and paralleled what happened to me.
While passing through the collision zone, Wayne’s car actually came into visual contact side and rear with several other vehicles and yet there was no metal-on-metal sound or the vibration of impact. Like my experience, and reported by others, the normal laws of matter and physics were suspended and manipulated in what was clearly a Miracle of the Divine Kind!
Once clear of the tangled mess they drove on without further incident all the way to Nevada.
Because of who Wayne Peterson was, and the fact that he had a credible witness, this account of a true miracle can be believed.
Back to my story, I know that the miracle that happened to me was real. I also know that it wasn’t the first or the last time that my life was touched by the hand of God.
In the chapters to come I’ll try to explain more about how your life can also be touched by God’s Hand and how you, too, can find faith and blessing even in the midst or aftermath of terrible tragedy. 

1 comment:

  1. I also wanted to mention and make a comment to the second comment I received. yes many people get blessings and miracles and they do realize they have miracles from the biggest miracles all the way down to the tiniest miracles. these tiny miracles are called little Godwinks, and when they happen God is just letting you know that he has your back. I'm just saying that most people that do have miracles happen to them don't stop and take the time to appreciate and praise God for there miracles.due to the hustle bustle world we are living. and I just think that if they took the time to praise God and thank him for the miracles more miracles and more abundant blessings will come their way. everyday I thank God for all the miracles and abundant blessings that happened to me all the time. I keep God i
    number one in my life. I think about him every day all the time and I pray for his advice before I do or say anything and then he answers me and tells me what to say or do so I follow his instructions and I thank him for the advice and every time I do that it seems to be my life is filled with more miracles and more abundant blessings. That's all I'm saying is I wish more people would realize this so they can have a more blessing and abundant life also. thank you for your comment and have the most glorious day.


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