If you've been following my blog you know that a couple of weeks ago God gave me the words for a blog post. I later learned they were also given to a number of others, but Phillip Nation, was one who also posted a very similar essay on a web site. When i questioned God about this I was told that it is common for God to do this sort of thing in order to get the Message out there. Then I saw this CBS Sunday Morning video about the Three Crosses Ministry.
A man named Bernard Coffindaffer received a commission from God after surviving open heart surgery to put up crosses. He used his own money, three million dollars, spent his last dime, put up his last cross, then died, but that wasn't the end of the story or of his ministry!
Sometime after Bernard passed, a Mississippi mom, Sara Abraham, had clipped a newspaper article about Bernard's crosses ministry out of the paper and slipped it into her Bible. During a devotional the article fell out of the Bible and onto her table and when she reached down to pick it up the Lord inspired her to continue Bernard's ministry, which she did.
Hearing this story bolstered my faith that God indeed works through many people simultaneously all around the world!
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