Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Getting the "Message" Out

Apparently, God is the original "Social Media Guru" . . . and was engaged in connecting believers with a spiritual network long before Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook made today's modern Internet scene.

Why have I come to this conclusion, just the other day, and it's happened before, I was overwhelmed with the impulse to write down some specific words I was being give from God. I learned a day later that pretty much those same words were given to at least one other person, Philip Nation, who also wrote them down and posted them online.

I had to know what was going on so I prayed to ask if indeed He sends the same messages to more than one person. The clear answer I got back was, "Absolutely!" And, I was told God sends important messages to thousands of people simultaneously. To souls in different cities, from different countries, practicing different religions, speaking different languages, all to make sure His teachings for our generation get out.

In the "old" days, it was one person speaking to another, but God isn't above making use of our modern technology and social media platforms to greatly amplify His audience. God is picking believers for this task knowing they have the passion and courage to speak to others, to show their Christianity in today's secular world. Knowing some will listen and some won't, the more people who hear the message the better. When Jesus walked the earth there were only a few million human beings. Today there are billions and yet one person with a Facebook account or a Twitter feed or a popular blog can reach millions!

God went on to say how distress He is about the Christians being killed for being believers and He knows it makes people frightened to show their faith in some countries. God wants to saturate the world with His messages of hope in order to be victorious in the global battle for faith, so that Christianity can prevail, so that Good can overwhelm Evil.

I was upset at first when I learned that what I'd written had already been posted online. God's answer gave me comfort and helped me understand my small role in achieving God's Greater Purpose. I was told that it shouldn't matter who gets credit for the words as long as the message gets out to the world. That made sense to me. Hopefully, more Christians will join the fight, the battle, the war to win the world over for our wonderful Great God!

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