Tuesday, March 3, 2015

When God Gives You the Words

I was watching a documentary about child artist prodigy, Akiane Kramarik, someone whom God has clearly touched with extraordinary gifts. Akiiane was asked how she knows what to paint. Her answer resonated with me . . . God speaks to her, not always in words or an audible voice, but God talks to her, communicates with her.

This portrait of Jesus was painted by Akiane and was the face I remembered from a visitation I had with Jesus as documented in my book.  



Akiane's inspiration for her paintings made me realize that the same thing happens when I'm preparing to write something that is devotional in nature. God just gives me the right words, I put them down and often during a place where time seems to be suspended, I just keep writing and writing and writing until the words from God stop coming.

Sometimes I understand right away what God is trying to say, but other times I don't and in trust just keep writing them down knowing that God wants these sacred words shared with others. It's wonderful for me to learn about others, like Akiane, who share the kind of close relationship I have, and one which you also can have, with our beloved God. 

One of Akiane's Paintings of Heaven

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