The Honor you give away to others will always come back to you multiplied many times. The blessings of a promotion, a breakthrough, an answered prayer, all will be yours but not if you are stingy with Honor and not willing to give it to others. The Honor you pour on others will become the welcome rain of blessings returned.
Just answer these simple questions. How can I make someone feel special today? How can I make someone feel better about themselves? How can I compliment rather than criticize? How can I encourage someone rather than discourage? Look for ways to rub in the oil of Honor wherever you go and God will favor you.
Tell your spouse and children how proud you are of them. Such words carry the gift of Honor. When dispensing the power of Honor it will always come right back to you. God demands that you be blessed. More doors of opportunity will open as you develop the habit of spreading Honor. Your spirits will be lifted, your days brightened.
Scripture says, ". . . it is more blessed to give than it is to receive."
That is God's promise, to bless us more than the person we Honor. You're never too busy to invest in God's love and promises. Yes, you have your own problems and challenges, but Honoring others will lift you up. Make someone else's day and God will make your day!
My brother came to me drowning in a financial crisis and feeling so desperate that it seemed useless to continue on living. I reminded him about his sister's suicide and how it made him feel. We prayed. I insisted that God could work a miracle on his behalf and sent him on his way. The next day he had the money he needed and it came from a most unlikely source.
I honored my brother by insisting that his life had meaning, he Honored God by praying for forgiveness, and God Honored him with an answer to his prayer.

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