2014 my husband and I had our own little It’s-a-Wonderful-Life moment. My husband
does charity work for the poor in our community and the project for the Christmas
season was to get a tree and put hats and socks on it. My husband had the task
of bringing a tree, but he was busy promoting our fudge.
Money is tight for most folks
anyway, but when you’re growing a business and helping struggling family members,
we didn’t have the cash to just run out and buy a tree. I had to scavenge the
house, searching like a little mouse for all the nooks and crannies where I
might have stashed some money. I actually found $44, so it was off to pick up
the tree while my husband was at the demo.
I got to the garden center and
realized I could only afford one of their least expensive trees at $29.99. The
attendant pointed me to that area, but when I got there, only one tree at that
price was left!
Most people wouldn’t have given this
a second thought, but for me getting the last tree was reason to pause and give
thanks. For me it felt meant to be, a
definite Godwink, a dose of daily
divine intervention, not spectacular, but the kind of regular blessing that
keeps me going even when the road gets bumpy.
When I got home, I called my
husband and told him I had a surprise for him when he got home and to look in
the back of our minivan! One less thing for him to worry about.
Clarence Oddbody . . . move over for Anna Rosario!
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